Finding Your Niche
What’s the point of being self-employed when you don’t love the clients that hire you? Running a business is no joke. It’s exhilarating and fulfilling with many ups and a few downs here and there. Hard work, late nights, and sacrifices are all part of the deal. It might sound cliché but life is too short to not love what you do every day.
One of the mantras we repeat at RAW Made is live your passion. And, a big part of living your passion and loving what you do is making sure your talent is nurturing a community you believe in.
We’re pretty sure when you set off to conquer the world (or, better yet, your comfy corner of the universe) you had a dream customer in mind. You envisioned that dream customer for a reason. When you think of putting the results of your hard work in the hands of this customer you probably feel accomplished. You’re making them happy and, in turn, you’re happy. Now multiply this dream customer by 10, 100, and even 1000. This is your niche.
A group of people with similar traits that are eager to benefit from what you offer.
When we started to visualize what would eventually become RAW Made, one thought about our future customers always floated up to the top: “We want to help the underdog.” To be even more specific, we specialize in brand development, logo design, and website design for female business owners on a limited-budget. That is quite specific on purpose. We don’t want to find half-*ss it, half-interested and not giving a client our all because we’re not invested in their business. Are we excluding a whole bunch of potential clients? Yes. Are we okay with that? Absolutely.
By honing in on a particular niche, we get to focus on doing our best work for the perfectly-matched client. For example, we feel so passionate about the creative, hospitality, and wellness industries. The phrase creatives for creatives rings so true for our purpose. From photographers to event planners and especially yoga studios, these types of clients fuel us to stay focused.
In order to find your niche, you need to go deep into your business origin story to uncover your core purpose.
What makes you get up every day excited to open up for shop? What human need do you want to fulfill with your brand? Who needs your services the most and do you believe in this person? Is this someone you would be friends with, talk to, understand their story? Have an honest conversation with yourself to see what type of client will make you happy.
Want someone to bounce ideas off niche ideas with? Schedule a consultation with Enid!